

由Americo Fernandes,DMD


通过美国和俄罗斯科学家在洛斯阿拉姆国家实验室和俄罗斯美国法国航空大学的联合研究努力开发了UFG钛通过在称为严重塑性变形的新型专利过程中,通过加工传统的商业纯钛(CP钛)。UFG钛是创建了该方法对CP钛产生的影响,该方法在新的UFG钛中,包括钛的理想的纳米尺寸颗粒。UFG钛是与CP钛的化学相同,但由于粒度小得多,物理上不同。与其传统的前任CP钛因为粒径较小时,这种新的钛是强烈的。UFG titanium’s superior properties come from the remarkable gain in strength without increasing undesirable brittleness.3 Subsequent bone cell studies have also shown that bone cells show greater numbers of colonies on the UFG titanium surface when compared to traditional CP titanium, resulting in an attachment increase between bone and implant surface.4 Bone cells attach to boundaries between titanium grains. Since UFG titanium has more boundaries between the smaller grains compared to CP titanium, an increase in bone cell colonization is expected on the UFG titanium surface. This unique characteristic appears to allow the loading of UFG dental implants into function earlier because of the greater number of bone cells. Because of UFG titanium’s superior strength, failures as a result of breakage should also decrease.5 The increase in strength is especially important when using smaller implants such as the very popular one piece minis. Some small diameter dental implants are made from titanium alloy metal in order to overcome implant breakage issues. Titanium alloy dental implants use Aluminum and Vanadium to gain an increase in physical strength. Some clinicians, if given the option, would prefer to not use implantable metals made with Aluminum and Vanadium for variety of reasons not discussed in this paper. UFG titanium does not incorporate Aluminum or Vanadium which is a definite benefit for these clinicians.

在过去的两年中,我在口中的各种位置放置了65个UFG牙科植入物。我用这些新的植入物用传统的固定假体恢复单个缺失的牙齿。在这两年期间,根据其独特的临床表现进行比较UFG钛牙科植入物和CP钛牙科植入物。我一直在使用传统的CP钛牙科植入物约20年,在此期间,我已经学会了很多关于他们熟悉的临床表现特征。从我的个人经验与CP钛牙科植入物中,我准备好在这两种类型的牙科植入物之间整理临床差异。这些新的UFG牙科植入物已经制造并准备到我在过去20年中使用的CP钛牙科植入物的相同精确尺寸和设计。UFG和CP钛牙种植体均由基本牙科植入系统,Inc。,阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州制造。根据我的临床经验,牙科植入物在符合以下标准时准备恢复;1)植入物缺乏感染2)骨骼抵抗植入物的顺时针扭矩力至40ncm的能力。3)通过传统的恐慌放射线检查所见,亲密的骨头植入体表接触。 Depending on the patient and type of bone, an implant can be ready to restore using CP titanium within two to four months. This protocol has been a standard practice in my clinic for many years. Research has shown that a greater number of bone cells tend to colonize UFG titanium surfaces when compared to CP titanium surfaces. Because of these earlier findings, I wanted to know whether it is possible to restore UFG dental implants earlier, compared to the traditional CP dental implants I have been using for many years. An evaluation period of one to two months was chosen to assess UFG titanium implants for restoration loading instead of the typical period of two to four months for classical CP titanium implants.6 All of the patients treated with UFG titanium dental implants returned at 1 to 1.5 months from the time of surgical placement. At recall, it was quite evident that these UFG titanium dental implants are able to meet restoration criteria significantly earlier when compared to traditional CP titanium dental implants. Periapical radiographs of these novel implants generally show a greater degree of bone maturity at the implant surface when comparing to CP dental implants. Radiographic examinations of UFG dental implants typically show greater bone density at the implant body surface, which generally means more bone on the implant’s surface. The increase in bone cell colonization on UFG dental implants was expected because of the earlier research findings and my findings confirm this earlier research. UFG titanium dental implants have proven that they can indeed be loaded earlier compared to CP titanium dental implants. In my experience, torquing CP titanium dental implants to 40 Ncm, at 1 to 1.5 month periods usually results in movement of some implants, requiring additional time for adequate healing, necessary to meet criteria for restoration. Without exception, all 65 UFG dental implants were more resistant to torque forces at recall appointments much earlier compared to CP titanium dental implants. Breakage of dental implants has never been an issue to worry about when utilizing CP dental implants; therefore I have found no difference here. I have encountered very few broken dental implants in my practice during the past 20 years and I cannot report on the clinical benefits to me of UFG titanium dental implants as result of its increased strength properties. My experience utilizing so-called minimal diameter dental implants is only beginning and as such, the strength of these dental implants will most likely play an important role as I increase the use of these implants clinically. My preference is to avoid implanting dental titanium, which incorporates Aluminum and Vanadium to add strength at the expense of biological issues. A nice benefit of UFG titanium is that it significantly surpasses the strength properties of both CP and Alloyed titanium without Aluminum and Vanadium.7 To date, all UFG dental implants are in function and are recalled at six to 12 month intervals. UFG titanium dental implants have also been provided to other dentists in the USA, Taiwan, China and Russia. These clinicians report clinical observations similar to those described in this paper.





1,2,3。超细晶粒纯钛的微观结构与性能。Vladimir V. Stolyarov1;·埃源T. Zhu2;Terry C. Lowe3;Ruslan Z.Valiev,2001年6月1日的南科学和纳米技术学报

4.超细钛钛,伊斯菊林,C.Sasper,S加速增长细胞的生长。Dietrichs和R. Lapovok。2008年生物医学材料研究杂志。


