


路易莎·舒尔特医生(左):欢迎来到最新一期的《口腔健康》节目。我是路易莎·舒尔特博士,今天的主持人。我是一名在安大略省丰特希尔获得口腔修复学和牙周学双重认证的专家。欢迎来到我们今天的嘉宾,James Yacyshyn博士。感谢你们今天来到我们的现场。詹姆斯曾担任阿尔伯塔大学的临床主任,并在临床实践中保持活跃,是帝国牙科协会的所有者和执业,在那里他作为普通牙医执业。帝国牙科是一个由多名普通牙医和一名修复牙医组成的团队。受欢迎的詹姆斯。谢谢你!

James Yacyshyn博士(JY):嗨,谢谢你们邀请我。就背景而言,我已经在游戏的继续教育部分工作了很多年,然后作为一个实践所有者,我喜欢能够应用我多年来所经历的许多事情。所以我认为不同的背景给了我不同的视角。我是亚利桑那大学的毕业生也是多伦多大学的毕业生所以我也在那里呆了一段时间,处理健康信息学项目,也从工程部分学习。期待这次谈话。


JY:所以结合技术而不是传统方法的好处。我想你知道,如果我们只是想把技术整合到办公室,我们要考虑很多事情。你必须稍作停顿,坐下来,然后说:这项技术将促进什么?它只是另一种工具,或者说是技术或训练等等。所以当我们评估我们的环境时,当我们观察我们在任何一天里要完成的事情时,当我们观察技术或新事物与我们的传统做法时,你引入了另一个变量。我们想了解创造这种变化的好处是什么。所以新技术——有时当你走过时,你被吸引你注意力的东西迷住了,这通常是有原因的。新技术,一开始,本质上它可以激励我们,让我们做一些我们不能做的事情,或者更有效地做一些更少头痛的事情。所以当我看到一项新技术时,我坐在那里问:那里有约束变量吗?那么,一项新技术是否会打开其他的大门或机会呢? And what are the opportunity costs? Is it things like that excitement factor where now we can envision taking our practice into a different direction? Or professionally being able to develop new skills? So, you know, I love coming back to some of the current things that I see in practice like intraoral scanners and how it opens up a pathway in discovery for clinicians, depending on where they’re at and what they might want to get into. So, right out of the gate, benefits of incorporating new tech: it will open doors. You can change the way our practice is perceived, it can create new clinical opportunities, new learning opportunities. I’ve watched technology invigorate offices. Similarly, I’ve watched it become very disruptive and become a really expensive paperweight. I think we’ve all kind of experienced that, so you sit there say: what are the variables? Why is it that, on one hand, the benefits that we can foresee or try to realize, why is that not always realized? Why is it that sometimes that you sit there and go: well, it was a great idea at the time and, unfortunately, I spent a little bit of money, but it never really came to be. I mean those are fascinating questions for me, both as a practice owner and as somebody who’s involved with continuing education.




JY:首先要做的就是制定一个计划。技术是什么并不重要,但当我看到它时,我们的基本需求分析是我们做得不太好的事情。有时只是直觉,本能,兴奋,它的可用性,它是一个代表出现的新东西闪闪发光,“嘿,你必须拥有这个!”但是我们并没有花足够的时间去思考它——只是说,作为一种工具,它会促进什么变化?所以,就像我们说的,它会不会是我们目前没有做过的,为病人提供一些新的方式?还是我们目前练习的效率?例如,让我们回到口腔内扫描仪。你想改变的是什么?你为什么想改变?当你想到一些新的原始扫描仪所面临的挑战时,就在一开始,它们不能把所有的事情都做得很好,所以你仍然看到传统的印象,你几乎得到了一个复制的工作。 And you have to sit there and say: well, is it speed? So we’re bringing this in but it’s going to make certain steps faster for us. But is the quality proposition still there? So, again, it can be too early with certain technology. At the same time, you don’t want to be too late. And you want to sit there and say: well, how and when do you modify your work process as a function of this tool? So, for me, there’s lots of organizational development schools of thought, different assessments you can do, but it doesn’t have to be that complex. I think, if as clinicians, if we just take a little bit of time setting goals – what do we want to change? – create those objectives, set some timelines and then measure those things…Because when things are reactionary, and its purchase, and it’s like “you gotta buy it right now, before year end, and you’re going to get all these discounts,” you kinda sit there are go: well, think in terms of you as a clinician. How are you going to use that tool? And then, more importantly, think about how your team is going to use it as well. So, if you think in terms of the CAD/CAM dentistry that’s happened in the past, and how many times has the evolution of the technology been far in advance to where the teams at? So, for instance, you as a clinician, where do you value your time in that equation? What do you want to be doing? If you’re already really efficient at it, then the second part is: where are your staff in that equation? There were so many dental assistance that were introduced to CAD/CAM where all of a sudden they were becoming a tech. That’s not what they went to school. Their interest may not of lied there. All of a sudden, you’re watching the deliverables just not being what you would thought they would be. It’s okay to be passionate and interested and gung ho, but at the same time, you gotta make sure your team’s on board with it as well. Back when I was spending my time at University of Toronto, one of my research projects looked at the efficiency of integration of technology in the dental office and we used an analytical approach that was similar to looking at the efficiencies of bank branches. And we tried to use comparators and we did this through some of the production and financial measures that came in that were made available on practices that introduced technology, but the account is shared with us. So, again, I look at this in the thesis work and all the rest of it, but do you know, when you boil that thesis down, one of the most impactful measures that came from all of the analysis of different technologies being introduced in office, you know what the number one common thing was?




JY:我看着它,我开始欣赏我作为一名临床医生的一些经历,从几年前的传统电影到数字电影。而且,不只是数字,而是突然之间,3D。想象的一面,它的复杂性。这就像看着家庭手工业演变成一个更复杂的存在,而家庭手工业……只是成本也随之而来。我们必须意识到开销,这些投资带来的挑战以及整个团队的负担,但毫无疑问,人员是其中最大的一部分。我认为我们必须比过去更有条理。我们可以带点东西进去,没问题,砰的一声,你就跑了。现在,如果你的资本支出是100万美元的四分之一,你必须有一个很好的战略计划,因为这不仅是资本支出,而且考虑到产品过时的速度,你必须获得投资回报。他们的预期寿命有多短。就如何使用它,在哪里使用它,影响如何进行良好的对话而言,这变得更具挑战性。 When I look at that conventional film change to digital, one of the ones that I found really fascinating is early practice management software, which is wonderful. But explaining to team members who were well versed in one platform and explaining why we needed to change because now we’ve got CBCT, and how we’re going to bridge that information into the equation as well, and unless they see the bigger picture as well, you’re creating change that’s very stressful for some people. And not all of us handle change as well. Again, it’s focusing on buy-in at all of those levels in order to see that new tech to its fruition, in essence.


JY:是的,这是一个高度可变的术语。当我在使用它的时候,我是在使用它的财务成分,当然还有引入它的好处。但你也必须从工作流程和中断的角度来谈。这是要付出代价的。同样地,投资回报率可能是你无法从中获得经济利益的东西,但是一些新技术可能会使你的实践与众不同。你被认为是最先进的,技术上更密集的诊所之一,这可能会让你在病人和客户方面拥有一群追随者,否则你可能没有。所以ROI本质上只是这些广义术语中的一个。代表们将如何展示它?当然,他们可能会给你最乐观的前景,但与此同时,让我们面对现实吧,即使是销售代表也会告诉你一些购买的情况,以及为什么它会在六个月后放在橱柜里。而真正优秀的销售代表,本质上是行业合作伙伴,他们也会为你的成功而努力。 What they will do is try to work out some of the challenges that you faced and look at additional training opportunities or give advice that way. So I can’t paint them all in one brush but sometimes do I get a rosier picture? Absolutely. Sometimes, do we see pretty negative outcomes when it comes to some new tech? Certainly, that could happen as well. But I think everybody should be motivated to figure out: how do we make this work and when? What are the missing pieces? Obviously, the more experience is that you can translate from other practices, other environments, then there’s that group learning as well.


JY:同样,最实用和最常见的技巧就是良好的沟通。从培训开始,从人们意识到你想用它做什么开始。这些都是关于视觉的经典作品。我们在哪里?作为一个办公室,我们是谁?为什么这很重要?我们的使命。现在你要深入到如何实现目标的细节层面?我们要怎么把它带进来?谁需要花时间在这上面? And how much time? Because practice is so busy, and everybody watching and listening kind of knows that. Now you sit there and say: okay, but realistically, if we’re going to make some of these changes, we gotta give ourselves a little bit of a buffer. I’m going to spend some time to get right with it because, otherwise, it’s a recipe for frustration and so many of these other things that can derail a team. So the most practical advice is, again, noting that thesis, is invest in your people and that that time. So 100% that’s the one gold nugget I can share.

LS: James,几分钟前你提到了新技术的整合,传统放射照相技术已经发展到数字放射照相技术,现在又发展到CBCT等3D技术。在过去的两到三年里,还有什么其他有价值的技术进入了市场,并改善了我们的实践?

JY:我对口腔内扫描仪印象非常深刻。当你看到这项技术是如何发展的,继续发展的,这真是太神奇了。如果你考虑CBCT,一方面,结合口腔内扫描的数据,你可以用它做所有不同的事情。所以对我来说,在修复环境中最美妙的事情之一就是你和很多修复专家一起工作,如果你考虑到你的背景,这些信息是多么有价值。所以如果我能给一个病人看几年前他们的牙齿和现在相比的位置,并且让他们随时可以看到这些信息,我的意思是这是一个非常强大的交流工具。这是一个非常强大的诊断工具,治疗计划工具等等。这还没有涉及到口腔内扫描后你可以做的所有其他事情。对我来说,这确实是开启所有其他机会的通道之一。我和很多刚毕业的学生谈论过的一个问题是如果你要去实践,如果你所在的小组没有人做透明矫正器治疗,矫形的东西,那就去接受一些培训,因为现在很容易接受你在这里收集的信息并开始将它与一些不同的透明矫正器治疗联系起来。这是一个很好的区分实践的方法,从本质上讲,这是不需要了解所有修复的历史,修复的历史,你可以用这个设备。 So then you start to consider what people are doing with regards to splint therapy, nightguards, bruxism devices. You start to look at the surgical planning, if you want to get implants. I mean, that’s what’s so cool about it is that it’s a really valuable piece of technology that now you can apply, depending on where and how you want to grow your practice, and where you want to take your practice. So for me, intraoral scan is really the thing to watch out for. It’s already been but it’s just continuing to grow and grow as far as our utilization.







